William Shakespeare – Rome & Juliet

William Shakespeare – Rome & Juliet Full Cast Dramatisation


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Sku: LGA1304

BBC Radio 3 production ofShakespeares quick-witted summer tragedy. In a town full of hatred, wherethe streets ring with theCapulet/Montague feud,and swords are too easilydrawn, Romeo and Julietfi nd each other – and love – and never let go. In Shakespeares famous play, fi rst performed in 1595, the warring Capulets and Montagues have been sworn to keepthe peace on pain of death. When Capulets daughter Juliet meets Montagues son Romeo at a masked ball, they immediately fall in love. With the help of Friar Lawrence and Juliets Nurse, the pair decide to marry in secret. Disaster strikes when Romeo is banished for murder, and fl ees after just one night with his new wife. Juliet, meanwhile, is betrothed against her wishes to Count Paris. Friar Lawrence intervenesto help, but tragedy is at hand… Rising young stars Trystan Gravelle and Vanessa Kirby play the star-crossed lovers, with David Tennant as Prince Escalus, Rosie Cavaliero as the Nurse and Ron Cook as Friar Lawrence.