Director Oliver Stones drama exposing the lives of the inside traders of Wall Street during the 1980s. Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) is a young broker who aspires to higher things. He tips off his idol, the ruthless Gordon Gekko (an Oscar-winning Michael Douglas), about an airline deal, which his father had informed him of in strict confidence. With Gekkos help Bud achieves the promotion he so desperately wanted, but has he sold his soul in the process?
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Director Oliver Stones drama exposing the lives of the inside traders of Wall Street during the 1980s. Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) is a young broker who aspires to higher things. He tips off his idol, the ruthless Gordon Gekko (an Oscar-winning Michael Douglas), about an airline deal, which his father had informed him of in strict confidence. With Gekkos help Bud achieves the promotion he so desperately wanted, but has he sold his soul in the process?
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