A captivating tale of two remarkable and extraordinary young people – Marnie, a courageous young woman, and Raver, a strange and spirited young man – whose only real crimes are that they are different. Set within a chilling world of predjudices and hypocrisy, ignorance and self-righteousness, The Raging Quiet explores the tenderness of love and friendship and the power to overcome the injustice of being different.
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A captivating tale of two remarkable and extraordinary young people – Marnie, a courageous young woman, and Raver, a strange and spirited young man – whose only real crimes are that they are different. Set within a chilling world of predjudices and hypocrisy, ignorance and self-righteousness, The Raging Quiet explores the tenderness of love and friendship and the power to overcome the injustice of being different.
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